◊ This program is distributed as Shareware: if you like it or use it please honor the shareware system by sending $3 to the author at the address above. Since collecting international cheques is very expensive, please send cash only. If you MUST send a cheque, keep in mind that the banks will gobble up more than half of it.
◊ NOTE: Getting some (usually very few) bucks is what you write shareware for, but getting a note, a postcard or anything else is a lot better than getting nothing. I'd like to know how far this program has gone, so remember that you can do something nice even if you don't have a couple of $$$ to spare.
◊ Global Search is a small utility that lets you search for an hexadecimal or character string in all the resources of a file. It generates a text file named "xxx.scan" (where xxx is the name of the searched file) with a log of all the matches that have been found. Each match is shown in the form:
where [offset] is the offset in bytes from the beginning of the resource.
◊ Global Search was written for all ResEdit users (such as myself) who miss a global "Find Hex" command in that otherwise wonderful application.
◊ The main dialog lets you configure the search as follows:
- [HEX/ASCII] switches between an hexadecimal and a character search;
- [ALL RES/RES TYPE] search all resource types or just the chosen one;
- [ALL MATCHES/FIRST MATCH] find all matches or stop at the first one;
- [CREATOR] text file creator (i.e. 'ttxt', 'MSWD') for the scan log;
- [TAB SIZE] number of spaces in a tab (proportional tabs only);
- [SPACES/PROPORTIONAL/SINGLE] different formats for text alignment;
- [SCAN FILE] select a file to search and start scanning it…
◊ I haven't spent much time in drawing error dialogs - all errors should be handled correctly, but what you'll see may be somewhat confusing. If you choose "Cancel" in the standard open file dialog, for example, Global Search will inform you that it hasn't found any matches. Any error, including starting the search without a valid hex or ASCII string in the "Search for" edit field, will lead to the same no-info error message.
◊ If anyone out there uses this app and needs more error reporting, just let me know and I'll fix it.
◊ "No warranties at all, either express or implied…" No kidding, this is good old use-it-at-your-own-risk shareware; it shouldn't do any damage, but if it does then you'll be on your own. Let me know of any bugs you run into, anyway.
◊ 1.02 - A bug which caused random words to appear at the end of the list has been fixed.
◊ 1.01 - A minor layout problem with single tabs has been fixed.
◊ 1.00 - First release.
• HAVE FUN! And don't forget to $$$ SEND YOUR CONTRIBUTION $$$ so that more cool utilities will see the light in the near future, at the low-low-low costs of shareware.